Tips for documenting a motor vehicle accident- get all the information!


6 Tips for What To Do After A Car Accident In Colorado Springs

Being involved in an accident is always a stressful event.  Not only will you not arrive at your intended location on time (if at all), you may be facing injuries and damage to you and your vehicle.

Tips for after a car accidentBe organized and gather all the essential information – it will be important when filing an insurance claim and/or determining fault in the accident. To that end, we have developed a “Motor Vehicle Accident Report Card” to help you document the accident and get the information from the other driver(s) that you will need.  Keep this card easily accessible in your glove box with your registration and insurance information.

We certainly hope you don’t have an accident, but if you do, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If possible, pull your car to the side of the road and out of traffic, turn off the engine and set your emergency brake. Turn on your HAZARD lights.
  • Be sure it is safe to exit your car before opening the door, especially in busy traffic.
  • Check with all other passengers, in your car and in any other involved vehicles, and call 911 if there is any chance of injuries. Even minor injuries should be documented and treated as necessary.
  • Call the police. You may dial 911 even if there are not severe injuries. You may need them to help direct traffic or to deal with an irate driver. A police report can also be very helpful documentation for your insurance company.

Gather information from the other driver and any other eye witnesses (name and contact information).

Be courteous and polite as you get the following information.  Do not admit fault for the accident, as there may be extenuating circumstances that you are not aware of.  There is space on our Accident Report Card to write down all the pertinent information.

Write down (or better yet, take a photo of their Driver’s License, registration, and insurance card):

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Driver’s License Number
  • State and License number of involved vehicles
  • Insurance company, Agent’s Name, and Policy Number

Also, take photos of location of accident and damage to vehicles.  There is room on the back of the Accident Report Card to sketch how the accident occurred and make any other notes.

Here is the link to report an accident in CO:

Happy driving and stay safe on the roads this summer!

Accident Card for glove Box

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