The “Golden Years”:Auto Maintenance to make your car last 200,000 plus miles!

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You’ve seen it in church…”all those married for 50 years or more, please stand up”…we all sit in utter amazement and admiration…then the pastor qualifies his request…”now, all of you who have been happily married, please stay standing”.  As funny as it may sound, the same holds true for you and your vehicle’s relationship…you make it 200,000 plus miles, but were they “happy” miles?  In this third and final 200,000 mile plus segment, this important tip may help you find vehicular nirvana…isn’t this exciting?!!

Don’t be a cheapskate when your “sweetheart” needs some new parts!  Sure, you may save a few bucks by purchasing less expensive “after-market” parts, but will you be paying more in the long run?  Keep in mind that the labor costs to replace broken or defective parts usually exceeds the cost of the parts.  So, if you have to replace a cheap part twice instead of just once, it’s costing you significantly more in the long run.  That said, some parts are not critical to your vehicles’ longevity and there are times when “cheap” may be OK.  If you are shopping for the best price, ask advice from your trusted Service Writer if he (she) would recommend a less expensive after-market part, or should you stick to an original manufacturer’s part.  If he is worth his salt, he’ll give you an honest and accurate answer.

Don’t you wish understanding your spouse was that easy???  Thanks for joining us…until we meet again, keep the shiny side up…you’ll be glad you did!

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