Auto Repair Shop Seeks Blood for Blood Drive

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Blood Drive Saves Lives

In 2015, Honest Accurate Auto Service volunteered to be one of the first donor Blood Drive locations for the Blood Vessel Mobile Unit from Penrose-St. Francis Health Services Blood Bank.  Our auto repair shops seek blood again for this Mobile Unit.  Your blood!

This Mobile Unit travels to locations set-up and equipped with everything, making the donations simple and comfortable for the donor while making it efficient for our Honest Team to take a quick break from work to donate blood too.  This year Honest Accurate continues our partnership to save lives by donating blood, hosting two Blood Drive site locations for the Mobile Unit.

Penrose-St. Francis Blood Vessel Mobile Unit
Penrose-St. Francis Blood Vessel Mobile Unit

Honest Accurate Auto has been serving the city of Colorado Springs for 23 years and has committed to give-back to the community in many ways.  The Blood Drive is just one of many of their community projects. Each of their community projects fulfills their mission to make a difference in lives, one vehicle at a time. This time in the Blood Vessel Mobile Unit vehicle!  The Honest Accurate Team has set a goal to donate a minimum of 20 pints of blood to the Blood Vessel Mobile Unit Blood Drive on Tuesday, September 13, 2016. Please come and help us save lives and donate! 

Join us on this day and make a difference.  Blood donations are needed in our Colorado Springs community with the rising number of traffic accidents each year.  Your blood donation helps those in auto accidents that have been seriously injured, gone through windshields, or when red lights have been run.  Your donation can also be used for Colorado Springs’ citizens with cancer, leukemia, and hemophilia. Donations also help those having surgeries, new mothers needing transfusions, babies born too soon, and children.

The Blood Vessel Mobile Unit will be at our East location at 3905 Tutt Blvd (just behind the Salvation Army, south of Sky Sox Stadium) from 9 am to 12 noon.

Mobile Unit at Honest Accurate Blood Drive
Inside the Blood Vessel Mobile Unit

Then the Blood Vessel Mobile Unit will travel to our West location at 426 Nevada Mesa View (just south of Garden of the Gods Rd off Nevada) to continue the Blood Drive from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

technician donates at Blood Drive
Bryson Ford, Technician, saves a life at our Blood Drive

General medical criteria for blood donors:

  • Doors must be in good health
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds
  • Be 18 years of age (16 or 17 years old, may donate with written parental consent)


Our partners at Penrose – St. Francis Health Services offer this information on the Blood donation process.

Giving Blood is a 4-step process that takes about 45 minutes.

  1. Registration – Bring your Driver License with you or other form of Government ID
  2. Medical History Interview and mini – physical: after answering some medical history and other questions, a drop of blood is taken from your finger for analysis for hemoglobin content.   Your temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate will also be checked.
  3. The blood donation: a phlebotomist will cleanse and sterilize your arm before inserting a sterile needle, used only once and disposed of after use. Within 10 minutes you will have donated the “Gift of Life” for someone.


  1. Refreshments – After the donation is completed, you will relax and enjoy snacks and juice. The Blood Vessel Mobile Unit staff asks that you take 10 minutes to sit down and reward yourself for taking the time to save a life.  The snacks and juice will also aid your body in starting the blood replacement process.

  Take action.  Save a life.  Donate blood at Honest Accurate Auto Service Blood Drive on September 13th.  Choose the location where you will make your blood donation. We’d love to have your commitment to a pint of blood to save local lives and meet our goal of 20+ pints of blood.

We know with the only way to make this a successful event is with your help too.

Sign up at either location or you can call to have your name added to our sign up list.  Commit today to take your “lunch hour” at Honest Accurate Auto Service for our Blood Drive. We look forward to spending some time with you for a great cause!

Contact Honest Accurate East at 719-638-1800 or West at 719-598-6306

For information on having the Blood Vessel Mobile Unit at your business please contact Carolann Books, Donor Recruitment Coordinator, Penrose/St. Francis Blood Bank at 719-776-5714 or  Just tell her Honest Accurate sent you!



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