Colorado Winter Driving Tips

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Colorado Winter Driving TipsWinter is definitely here! Your trusty “sleigh” may need a little extra attention to be safe on winter roads. Here are a few things to remember before you head out on Colorado roads.

First and foremost, decrease your speed relative to road conditions. Allow extra time to arrive where you need to go, so that you do not feel rushed. Leave several car lengths between you and the car in front of you, so that you have extra room if you need to stop (or the car behind you can’t)!

Visibility is critical at any time of year, but particularly when you are unable to stop as quickly as usual. Allow a few extra minutes to clear your windows and rearview mirrors of frost or snow. “Peephole” driving is dangerous for you and the cars around you (and it is illegal)!

Check your headlights – be sure your headlights are working. Headlight lenses can become cloudy and scratched with time, but Headlight Polishing can restore visual clarity and improve the amount of light that shines through onto the driving surface in front of you.  Much less expensive than replacing your headlights assembly!

Brake lights, tail lights and turn signals are especially important when you are trying to convey your intentions to your fellow travelers. Remember, “they” may not be as responsible as you were and may not have cleaned their windows.

Be sure your windshield wipers are doing their job. Cracked or dried out wipers will not clean your windshield adequately, and you may miss that car pulling out from the side street or the brake lights ahead of you. Replacing your windshield wipers is inexpensive insurance that may prevent that accident. And check your windshield wiper fluid level – back splash from sloppy roads can obliterate your visibility very quickly.

Be sure your tires have plenty of tread and traction! New car tires usually have 10/32″ tread depth, and winter driving requires at least 50% of that for adequate traction. Either change out summer tires to snow tires, or be sure your all-weather tires have plenty of tread.

Maintain at least a half tank of gas in your car, so you don’t run out if you are stranded or stuck in traffic. Travel time often takes longer in winter conditions.

A few emergency items stored in your car may mean the difference between an inconvenient stop and a catastrophe when you are stranded or stalled. Here is a short checklist to keep in your car:  ice scraper, shovel, extra blanket, warm clothing, candle/matches, flashlight & batteries, jumper cables, snacks, bag of sand for extra traction, whistle, mirror, and a charged cell phone.

Drive defensively — look ahead at the conditions and BE PREPARED. Wishing you a Happy New Year and safe traveling in 2015!


Your Colorado Springs Auto Repair Shop: Honest Accurate Auto Service

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3905 Tutt Blvd. 426 Nevada Mesa View
Colorado Springs, CO 80922 Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: (719) 638-1800 Phone: (719) 598-6306


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